Wednesday, 13 May 2015

superhero cape workshop Ottie & the Bea

On Saturday I held a workshop at my favourite children's shop ottieandthebea

In just two hours five 5 year old budding superheroes (and one four and a half year old) produced brilliant designs & translated them into fabric to create their own superhero character cape (fave superhero name of the day "super bad guy boy" a goodie AND a baddie rolled into one!)

When Im working in fabric with kids, we always start by designing or working out ideas on paper.  I find that this allows thinking time & children always produce more interesting work if they have time to explore their ideas first.  Sometimes the work is translated fairly literally onto fabric whilst other times the kids become absorbed in process - painting, appliqué, stitch; and the results take a different route, but the expression of the original idea is usually retained and this does make for really interesting results!

Here's some of what we made....

Big thank you to the wonderful Julia and to Cat for her help!

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