Wednesday, 3 August 2011

eco warriors

Watch how we turned this....

into these.....!

I've just spent a really fun, but full on saturday at the art shop and gallery in abergavenny, south wales where I ran two workshops in one day (phew!)  In the morning a group of eco warriors, aged 8-10 years, made body armour from recylcled cardboard boxes and packaging.  The session started with creative brainstorming, drawing & design.  After a break including cakes provided by the (award winning) angel hotel, the designs were then realised in 3D using the HUGE pile of cardboard, some metallic paint, glue, scissors & some brass split pins from my stationary drawer.  The results were awesome...

In the afternoon, a busy group of 5-7 year olds created swords and shields using the same huge pile of cardboard boxes & materials.  Again, the session began with some creative drawings & designs which were then translated into this arsenal of rather beautiful weaponry.

Thanks so much to the wonderful Pauline for having me, and to Lucienne for the pictures

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