Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Stitch Club... bananas & apples (and strawberries!)

For the past year I've been teaching Stitch Club (an after school club) at my son's primary school in South London.  I really wanted to share some of the amazing work which the kids have made - this group is from years 3 & 4 (ages 6-8).

I feel that my role is to enable & support the children (with the tricky bits like threading needles)  but I really believe in them doing all of the work themselves - the experience is valued rather than getting hung up on the result - although I think the results are stunning and so much more exciting than if an adult had 'helped'

This is the first project we did in stitch club - in the true artisan/maker tradition - making our own tools...    it's a fruit pincushion!

This is a great project to introduce children to sewing


1 draw your fruit shape on paper (actual size you want the finished pincushion to be ) and cut out - draw stalks & leaves separately

2 pin your template onto fabric and cut two pieces - front & back.  Also cut one stalk & 1-2 leaves if using*
* use a fabric which won't fray - felt is ideal.  we used some old blankets I sourced from the charity shop  & put in the washing machine to felt

3 If you want to add any decoration ie: stitching along banana, 'seeds' on strawberry - stitch on at this stage (before making up)
This is a good opportunity for kids to look carefully at the real fruit & hone their observational skills!

4 pin the back & front pieces together & insert stalk/leaves in between layers (pin in place)

5 stitch front & back together around the edges using straight stitch or whip stitch (or blanket stitch for advanced stitchers)
When you get to the area where the stalk meets the fruit, change to straight stitch (stitching through all layers)  then back to whip stitch again.  Go most of the way around the fruit edge but remember to leave a gap to push in the stuffing

6 stuff your fruit**  we used an old pillow and removed the stuffing (hollow fibre as opposed to feathers!!)

7 sew up the remaining gap and your pincushion is complete!